Hello there honey bunch!
You have subscribed to Dr Planet, and here we are sweetheart.
What sweet and important ground we stand on together. Health for ourselves, family and planet with Dr Planet!
I truly believe Dr Planet is a co creation. It is as much mine as it is yours as, together we are making empowered choices for ours and our planets health.
It's so simple really, like the old days before health and life got so complex. Dr Planet is a breath of fresh air with simplicity and truth.
As our business and families resilience have been creatively growing, I've been thinking about you all, and in my heart, I am thrilled to welcome you into our world.
Dr Planet comes from fertile ground over here in the Valley, (the locals' name for the Yarra Valley). Within our community, there are all sorts of triumphs, creative thinking, and collaborations that go on over here. This is what I truly call, grassroots living.
The human spirit has freedom to grow and thrive. Even in adversity, we can turn it to gold, like the golden wattle on an August winters afternoon
Community requires common ground and a level of intimacy, and my darling I very much look forward to writing and sharing with you.
It may be a little old-fashioned, letter writing, but I find it a hark back to the simplicity of yesteryear, (just like Dr Planet) the written word that can be read, shared, and re-read over again, should there be something that lands for us both.
It's where my heart sings living in community and now we are in ours.
Enjoy your Ebook, look out for my next letter. I expect to have all our tips and happening ready for you each week or fortnight. Not too much to overwhelm you, but just enough to savor, and enjoy and we can some fun together.
Sending Love
Chris xx❤
Christine Creigh
Creator and Owner Dr Planet